

Embodiment of Sensors to Improve Real-Life Gait
03/2023 – 02/2025 (EUROSTARS)
The consortium develops EMBODISENSE, an innovative multisensory device
for major target groups of SAPHENUS: amputees (protheses users) and poly
neuropathy patients. EMBODISENSE consists of smart algorithms that
combine pressure and inertial sensing to provide bionic feedback for gait
rehabilitation and improve embodiment. The scientific validity of
EMBODISENSE will be established in this project through investigation
studies together with external clinical partners. EMBODISENSE will improve
gait stability and will be the basis for ambulant rehabilitation in gait and
physical activity analysis. With EMBODISENSE injuries are reduced and
quality of life is improved.
Tasks: proposal development, project management support.

07/2020 – 06/2022 (H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-3)
For the two target groups SAPHENUS Medical Technology has the breakthrough solution using the bionic principle. With the Bionic Feedback System (BFS) the affected persons get back the feeling of the lost or damaged foot and the brain is provided with sensory information again. SURALIS and CUTANEUS, the two BFS-products of SAPHENUS are patented high-tec add-on devices that consist of (i) a sensor sole and (ii) a transmission part which is applied on the stump or leg. SURALIS and CUTANEUS represent a new medical product category supporting cost-efficient, affordable, optimised care for amputees and diabetics.
Tasks: proposal development, management support, Go-to-Market strategy, internationalisation

RESIELP   04/2017 – 03/2020
Recovery of Silicon and other materials from End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panel (European Institute of Innovation & Technology – KIC Raw Materials)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support, WP-lead Go-To Market, IPR

IPS   08/2018 – 02/2019
Intelligent Prosthesis System  (EU HORIZON 2020 – SME-Instrument-2018)
Tasks: proposal development, budget calculation

CABRISS   06/2015 – 05/2018
Implementation of a Circular Economy Based on Recycled, Reused and Recovered Indium, Silicon and Silver Materials for Photovoltaic and other Applications (EU HORIZON 2020 – WASTE-1-2014)
Tasks: coordination support, business plan development

RERAM    06/2014 – 05/2016
Bridging Gaps Between R2I in Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (EU FP 7 – INCO-2013-9)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support, dissemination

FOROPA  12/2012 – 11/2014
Sustainable Networks for the Energetic Use of Lignucellulosic Biomass in South East Europe, (SEE – South East Europe Programme)
Tasks: proposal development

Ministry of Water: Water Sector Development Programme (WSDP) Contract Agreement, Tender No: Ae-063/2009-2010/C/04 – Consultancy for Environmental and Social Assessment Lugoda Dam & Maluluma Hydro Power on Ndembera River
Tasks: bid development (technical and financial proposal), negotiation with MoW, field trips

SOLARROK   12/2012 – 11/2015
Photovoltaic Clusters Development and Implementation Measures of a Seven Region Strategic Joint Action Plan for Knowledge-based Regional Innovation (EU FP 7– REGIONS 2013)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support, WP-lead communication & dissemination

SMARTLOGCHAIN   4/2014 – 3/2015
Process digitalisation for optimised flow of supply chains in the wood and forest industry, based on regional evaluation of supply chains and leading to cross-border pilot concepts, (INTERREG Slovenien-Österreich)
Tasks: proposal development

SUNROAD   12/2013 – 05/2015
Building and Implementing Strategic Roadmaps of Demand-side Policy Measures to promote the European and global market uptake of European Photovoltaic Innovations (European Commission 68/G/ENT/CIP/13/C/N02C011)
Task: roadmap development

NEWS   03/2013 – 08/2015
Development of a Next Generation European Inland Waterway Ship and Logistics System to make Inland Waterway Transport more efficient: eco-nomically, ecologically and time saving (EU FP 7 – SST-2012-RTD-1)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support

LOG4GREEN   12/2011 – 01/2015
Transport Clusters Development and Implementation Measures of a Six-Region Strategic Joint Action Plan for Knowledge-based Regional Innovation (EU FP 7 – REGIONS 2011)
Tasks: proposal development, coordiation support, dissemination

CITIES ON POWER 2009 – 2011
Supporting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Increasing Energy Efficiency (Central Europe Programme Ref. Code 3CE302P3)
Tasks: mid-term evaluation

IN2WOOD   01/2010 – 06/2012
FOREST Clusters Development and Implementation Measures of a 6-Region Strategic Joint Action Plan for Knowledge-based Regional Innovation (EU FP 7 – REGIONS 2009)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support, dissemination

BRIDGE2GEO   01/2008 – 12/2009
Bridging Innovation-driven GIS Research and Development to Create a GEO-Society (EU FP 7–  REGIONS 2007)
Tasks: proposal development, coordination support, dissemination